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Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies Modules 2019/0

Please note, details for interdisciplinary modules within the HASS faculty can be found here.

Stage One Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
AHV1005 Inside the Museum152View on ELE (current students only)
AHV1006 Visual Media152View on ELE (current students only)
AHV1008 Topics in Art History and Visual Culture I152View on ELE (current students only)
AHV1009 Topics in Art History and Visual Culture II152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF1001 French Language301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLF1017 The Making of Modern France152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF1052 French Language for Beginners301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLF1103 The French Language, Present and Past152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF1105 An Introduction to French Thought151View on ELE (current students only)
MLF1121 French Visual History152View on ELE (current students only)
MLG1001 German Language301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLG1014 A Nation Remembers: Issues in German Cultural Memory152View on ELE (current students only)
MLG1017 Turning Points in German History 1200 - 2000151View on ELE (current students only)
MLG1052 German Language for Beginners301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLI1001 Italian Language301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLI1016 Italy Inside Out: Popular Visual Narratives about Italy152View on ELE (current students only)
MLI1052 Italian Language for Beginners301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLI1121 A Thousand Faces: Cultures and History in 19th-Century Italy151View on ELE (current students only)
MLM1052 Beginners Chinese301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLP1002 Introduction to the Lusophone World151View on ELE (current students only)
MLP1052 Portuguese Language for Beginners301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLR1001 Contemporary Russian Written and Oral301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLR1023 Russia: Empire and Identity152View on ELE (current students only)
MLR1030 Russian Language for Beginners301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLS1001 Spanish Language301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLS1016 Gender Perspectives151View on ELE (current students only)
MLS1056 Spanish Language for Beginners301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLS1064 An Introduction to the Hispanic World: Texts in Context152View on ELE (current students only)
MLS1066 The Making of Modern Latin America: History Through Literature and Culture152View on ELE (current students only)
MLS1067 Ideology in the Hispanic World151View on ELE (current students only)
SML1207 Introduction to Film152View on ELE (current students only)

Stage Two Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
AHV2002 Debates and Contestations in Art History151View on ELE (current students only)
AHV2005 Art History and Visual Culture Field Study301View on ELE (current students only)
AHV2007 Contemporary Visual Practices152View on ELE (current students only)
AHV2009 The New York Avant-Garde 1955-1980302View on ELE (current students only)
AHV2011 Global Art and Empire, 1850-1950151View on ELE (current students only)
AHV2012 Revolutions: Art and Society in France, 1770-1848302View on ELE (current students only)
AHV2013 Photography and Evidence151View on ELE (current students only)
AHV2208 Ideal Cities? Urban Cultures of Renaissance Italy152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF2001 French Language, Written and Oral301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLF2012 Evolution of the French Language151View on ELE (current students only)
MLF2029 Varieties of French152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF2056 Provoking Thoughts - French Literature and Philosophy from the Renaissance to the 20th Century152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF2066 Intimate Spaces of the French Enlightenment152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF2069 East is East? Cross-Cultural Encounters in Medieval French Literature151View on ELE (current students only)
MLF2070 Violence and Virtue: Early Modern French Theatre151View on ELE (current students only)
MLF2074 Translating Exile: Contemporary Francophone Women Writers152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF2152 Intermediate French301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLG2001 German Language, Written and Oral301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLG2003 Youth and Age: Generations in German Fiction and Film152View on ELE (current students only)
MLG2018 Berlin - Culture, History and Politics152View on ELE (current students only)
MLG2052 Intermediate German301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLI2001 Italian Language, Written and Oral301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLI2018 Love (and Marriage?) in Contemporary Italian Film Comedy152View on ELE (current students only)
MLI2051 Italian Language301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLM2010 Reading China: from Mandarins to Revolutionists151View on ELE (current students only)
MLM2052 Intermediate Chinese (One)301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLP2002 Portuguese as a Global Language151View on ELE (current students only)
MLP2052 Intermediate Portuguese301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLR2001 Contemporary Russian Written and Oral I301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLR2021 Understanding Russia151View on ELE (current students only)
MLR2023 A Russian Carnival of the Animals152View on ELE (current students only)
MLR2030 Intermediate Russian301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLS2001 Spanish Language, Written and Oral301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLS2045 Federico Garcia Lorca: Theatre and Poetry152View on ELE (current students only)
MLS2061 The Latin American Short Story151View on ELE (current students only)
MLS2070 Catalonia Is Not Spain? Modern Catalan Culture in Context152View on ELE (current students only)
MLS2072 Place and Identity in Contemporary Venezuelan Culture151View on ELE (current students only)
MLS2156 Spanish Language (ex-beginners)301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLS2158 "What is Love? And Do I Need It?" An Introduction to Spanish Renaissance Love Poetry151View on ELE (current students only)
SML2244 Multilingualism in Society151View on ELE (current students only)
SML2246 Intercultural Communication152View on ELE (current students only)

Stage Three Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
AHV3000 Art History and Visual Culture Dissertation301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
AHV3002 Understanding Space in Renaissance Italy151View on ELE (current students only)
AHV3003 The Face151View on ELE (current students only)
AHV3007 Global Modernisms152View on ELE (current students only)
AHV3008 Performance Art151View on ELE (current students only)
AHV3009 Paris to the World: Modelling the Modern City151View on ELE (current students only)
AHV3010 Art, Industry and the Modern, 1840-1900302View on ELE (current students only)
AHV3012 Installation Art152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF3006 The Invention of Modern Love152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF3034 Sociolinguistics of French151View on ELE (current students only)
MLF3046 Dialectology in France152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF3078 Philosophers, Prophets and Mystics in French Culture151View on ELE (current students only)
MLF3079 Sex, Subversion and Censorship: Libertine Literature in Seventeenth-Century France152View on ELE (current students only)
MLF3111 Advanced French Language Skills301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLG3036 Dictatorships on Display: History Exhibitions in Germany and Austria151View on ELE (current students only)
MLG3037 Coping with Catastrophe: German Culture, Literature and Politics in the Interwar Years152View on ELE (current students only)
MLG3111 Advanced German Language Skills301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLI3111 Advanced Italian Language Skills301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLI3199 Elena Ferrante's My Brilliant Friend151View on ELE (current students only)
MLM3011 China and the Third World: Foreign Relations and Nation Building in China in the Cold War Era151View on ELE (current students only)
MLM3111 Advanced Chinese Language Skills301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLP3111 Advanced Portuguese Language Skills301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLR3026 The Deceptive City: The Creation of St Petersburg in Russian Literature152View on ELE (current students only)
MLR3027 The Making of Underground Russia, 1825-1917152View on ELE (current students only)
MLR3111 Advanced Russian Language Skills301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
MLS3037 Women and Feminism in 20th Century Spain152View on ELE (current students only)
MLS3057 Cross Currents: Memory, Myth and Modernity in Latin America151View on ELE (current students only)
MLS3066 Almodovar's Spain: Cinema and Society151View on ELE (current students only)
MLS3067 "Monster of Nature and Phoenix of Wits." An Introduction to the Work of Lope de Vega152View on ELE (current students only)
MLS3068 Staging Conflicts: Spanish Romantic Drama151View on ELE (current students only)
MLS3069 Mediated Lives: Intermedial Fiction from Latin America151View on ELE (current students only)
MLS3111 Advanced Spanish Language Skills301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SML3009 Intercultural Communication in a Global World152View on ELE (current students only)
SML3010 Work and Study Abroad1201, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
SML3013 Through the Language Lens: the Relationship between Language, Culture and the Mind151View on ELE (current students only)
SML3015 Dissertation151 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SML3020 Study Abroad at a Partner University (with Assessment in the Foreign Language)1201, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
SML3025 Internship Abroad Combined with Study at a Partner University Abroad1201, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
SML3030 Extended Dissertation301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SML3040 Women in Translation: Gender and Publishing in the 21st Century151View on ELE (current students only)

Masters Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
SMLM113 Dissertation in Global Literatures and Cultures602 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
SMLM145 Translation Dissertation603View on ELE (current students only)
SMLM150 Translation Theory301View on ELE (current students only)
SMLM151 The Practice of Translation301View on ELE (current students only)
SMLM152 Specialist Translation 1152View on ELE (current students only)
SMLM153 The Translation Profession152View on ELE (current students only)
SMLM154 Translation Work Placement / Project152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
SMLM156 Translation as Literary and Creative Practice152View on ELE (current students only)
SMLM157 Introduction to Interpreting: Consecutive and Liaison152View on ELE (current students only)
SMLM158 Translation as Cultural and Intermedia Practice152View on ELE (current students only)