This module will explain how electrons, and other waves, propagate within crystalline materials and affect their properties. The properties of periodic structures are discussed, particularly the relationship between real space and reciprocal space and the representation of elastic and inelastic scattering in both spaces. Both phonons and electrons are profoundly influenced by the crystal structure in which they propagate. The last section of this module considers the transport of electrons in the free-electron and nearly-free-electron approximations, which give a good description of the behaviour of electrons in metals and semiconductors. The vibrational excitations of the crystal lattice (phonons) are of particular importance to the properties of insulators.
Condensed matter physics, particularly in the solid-state, underpins modern technology and is also important because it provides the physical realisation of much fundamental physics. This module aims to give the student a firm grounding in the traditional areas of the subject but also to introduce some of the latest developments in one- and two-dimensional systems that are being studied in the research groups at Exeter.
INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)
A student who has passed this module should be able to:
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
1. describe the features of the vibrations of monatomic and of diatomic linear chains and explain the significance of dispersion curves in three dimensions;
2. discuss the scattering of phonons, and in particular the occurrence of Umklapp scattering of phonons near the Brillouin zone edge;
3. describe the free electron model and apply it in calculations;
4. use the nearly free electron model to account for the occurrence of energy gaps at the Brillouin zone edges, and the consequent behaviour of the group velocity and effective mass of the electrons;
5. explain qualitatively band theory and the concepts of Brillouin zone, density of states, Fermi energy, effective mass and holes;
6. state Bloch's theorem, and sketch E-k diagrams;
7. describe acceptors, donors and the basic optical transitions in semiconductors;
8. distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic properties of semiconductors;
9. define drift, diffusion and thermal conduction and the relations between them for metals, semiconductors and degenerate semiconductors;
10. explain how to construct a Fermi surface;
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
11. apply thermodynamics, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics to the sold-state;
12. use mathematical abstraction to represent and solve problems involving periodic structures;
Personal and Key Transferable / Employment Skills and Knowledge:
13. solve problems requiring spatial reasoning;
14. use a range of resources to develop an understanding of topics through independent study;
15. meet deadlines for completion of work for problems classes and develop appropriate time-management strategies.
SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module
I. Introduction
Brief historical survey.
II. Crystal Structures
Direct and reciprocal lattices (Revision)
General features of scattering by solids (Revision)
Scattered-wave amplitude, structure factor, form factor
Brillouin zones
III. Free-electron model
Free-electron Fermi gas
Energy dispersion in k-space
Reduced and extended zones
Effective mass
Density of states
Electron-distribution function; Fermi level
Heat capacity
IV. Nearly-Free-Electron Model
Effect of crystal potential on the free-electron picture
Bloch electron
Origin of energy-band gaps
V. Band Picture for Classification of Solids
Formation of energy bands in solids
Band picture for insulators, semiconductors and metals
VI. Fermi surfaces
Fermi surfaces in metals
Harrison's construction of the Fermi sphere
VII. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
Donor and acceptor levels in semiconductors; ionization energy of a donor electron, and the Bohr radius
Free-charge-carrier concentration and the Fermi level at different temperatures
The significance of the Fermi level; band structure of a p-n junction
Elementary Optical Properties of Semiconductors: Fundamental absorption; direct and indirect transitions; absorption coefficient; recombination
VIII. Phonons
Lattice vibrations of the monatomic linear chain
Diatomic linear chain.
Lattice vibrations of three-dimensional crystals
Longitudinal and transverse phonons;
Plotting of dispersion relations
Heat Capacity
IX. Transport Properties (Electrical and Thermal)
Relaxation times: phonon/lattice; electronic
Drift and diffusion in semiconductors; the Einstein relation
Thermal conduction in semiconductors and insulators
Drift and thermal conduction in metals
The Wiedemann-Franz law
X. Introduction to Nanostructures and Nanomaterials
Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots
Carbon nanotubes