Electromagnetism I - 2023 entry
MODULE TITLE | Electromagnetism I | CREDIT VALUE | 15 |
MODULE CODE | PHY2021 | MODULE CONVENER | Prof Matthew Bate (Coordinator) |
DURATION: TERM | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) | 160 |
DESCRIPTION - summary of the module content
This module surveys the phenomena associated with electrostatics (charges at rest) and magnetostatics (the magnetic effects associated with steady currents). It introduces and develops the use of the electric and magnetic field vectors and relates them by considering electromagnetic induction at a classical level. The connection between these fields and conventional lumped-circuit parameters R, C and L is also developed.
This module relies on, and develops, student's ability to apply vector analysis. Maxwell's equations in differential form will be developed systematically, starting from the force between two charged particles, thereby building a firm foundation for the study of more advanced material in PHY3051 Electromagnetism II.
AIMS - intentions of the module
The electromagnetic force holds atoms, molecules and materials together and plays a vital role in our understanding of almost all existing and potential technological developments. Electromagnetism is the second strongest of the four basic interactions of Physics. Its laws, as enunciated by James Clerk Maxwell, enable physicists to comprehend and exploit an enormous range of phenomena.
INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)
A student who has passed this module should be able to:
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
1. define the fields commonly used in electromagnetism, and state the laws these fields obey;
2. describe the vector nature of the electric field and its relation to a scalar potential;
3. calculate the electric field due to static charges and charge distributions, using Coulomb's law or Gauss's law as appropriate and to relate this to the electrostatic energy of the system;
4. describe the vector nature of a static magnetic field and its relation to a vector potential;
5. calculate the magnetic fields, using the Biot-Savart law or Ampère's law as appropriate for circuits and steady current distributions;
6. calculate the electric and/or magnetic forces acting on quasistatic systems;
7. state the differential and integral forms of the vector laws of electromagnetism and use them to solve a range of problems;
8. relate the electric and magnetic field vectors in circumstances where Faraday's law is valid, solve related problems, give examples of practical applications;
9. relate the circuit parameters to the fields and the energy of those fields; know the features of transient response for circuit parameters in simple circuits;
10. state Maxwell's equations and explain how they can be related to the force between two particles;
11. use vector analysis to apply Maxwell's equations and solve standard problems;
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
12. apply principles of electromagnetism to a range of practical applications;
13. use symmetry to reduce the number of variables in a problem;
Personal and Key Transferable / Employment Skills and Knowledge:
14. use a range of resources to develop an understanding of topics through independent study;
15. meet deadlines for completion of work for problems classes and develop appropriate time-management strategies.
SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module
I. Introduction
- Brief historical survey
II. Revision of Vector Analysis
- Transformation properties
- Gradient of a scalar field
- Vector properties of the 'Del' operator
- Divergence of a vector field
- Curl of a vector field and Stokes's theorem
- Curvilinear coordinate systems
III. Fields
- The force between two charged particles
- Definition and properties of E
- Interpretation of divergence; the continuity equation
- Flux and the divergence theorem
- Charge distribution and Gauss's law
- Electrostatic potentials
IV. Electrostatic Fields in Matter
- Simple electric dipole
- Multipole distributions
- Capacitors
- Electric permitivity (constant)
- Polarisation P and displacement D in linear dielectric media
- Surface and volume polarization
- Boundary conditions for electric fields
- Energy density of the electrostatic field
V. Electrostatic Systems
- Laplaces's and Poisson's equations
- General properties of solutions to Laplaces's equation
- Analytic solutions to Laplace's equation in special cases
- Solutions to single-variable problems
- Solutions to two-variable problems
- Electrostatic images
VI. Magnetostatic Fields in Matter
- Definition and properties of B
- Ampère's law
- Magnetic vector potential A
- Faraday-Lenz law
- Magnetic permeability (constant)
- Magnetisation M and Magnetic-field intensity H in linear magnetic media
- Boundary conditions for macroscopic magnetic fields
- Energy density of magnetic field
VII. Electromagnetic Systems
- Steady currents in the presence of magnetic materials
- Forces in magnetic fields
- Electromagnetic induction for stationary magnetic media
- Inductors and transformers
- Faraday's law
- Measurement of susceptibilities
VIII. Conclusions
- Maxwell's equations
- Energy density of an electromagnetic field
- The Poynting vector
- Summary
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities | 33 | Guided Independent Study | 117 | Placement / Study Abroad |
Category | Hours of study time | Description |
Scheduled learning & teaching activities | 22 hours | 22×1-hour lectures |
Guided independent study | 30 hours | 5×6-hour self-study packages |
Guided independent study | 16 hours | 8×2-hour problems sets |
Scheduled learning & teaching activities | 8 hours | Problems class support |
Scheduled learning & teaching activities | 3 hours | Tutorial support |
Guided independent study | 71 hours | Reading, private study and revision |
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - for feedback and development purposes; does not count towards module grade
Form of Assessment | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
Exercises set by tutor (0%) | 3×1-hour sets (typical) (Scheduled by tutor) | 1-15 | Discussion in tutorials |
Guided self-study (0%) | 5×6-hour packages (Fortnightly) | 1-15 | Discussion in tutorials |
Coursework | 10 | Written Exams | 90 | Practical Exams |
Form of Assessment | % of Credit | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
8 × Problems sets | 10% | 2 hours per set (Weekly) | 1-15 | Marked in problems class, then discussed in tutorials |
Mid-term test | 15% | 30 minutes (Term 1, Week 6) | 1-14 | Marked, then discussed in tutorials |
Examination | 75% | 120 minutes (January) | 1-14 | Mark via MyExeter, collective feedback via ELE and solutions. |
DETAILS OF RE-ASSESSMENT (where required by referral or deferral)
Original Form of Assessment | Form of Re-assessment | ILOs Re-assessed | Time Scale for Re-assessment |
Whole module | Written examination (100%) | 1-14 | August/September assessment period |
Re-assessment is not available except when required by referral or deferral.
An original assessment that is based on both examination and coursework, tests, etc., is considered as a single element for the purpose of referral; i.e., the referred mark is based on the referred examination only, discounting all previous marks. In the event that the mark for a referred assessment is lower than that of the original assessment, the original higher mark will be retained.
Physics Modules with PHY Codes
Referred examinations will only be available in PHY3064, PHYM004 and those other modules for which the original assessment includes an examination component - this information is given in individual module descriptors.
INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES - The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
Reading list for this module:
Type | Author | Title | Edition | Publisher | Year | ISBN |
Set | Griffiths, D. J. | Introduction to Electrodynamics | 4th | Pearson Education | 2014 | 978-0-321-85656-2 |
Extended | Good, R.H. | Classical Electromagnetism | Saunders College Publishing | 1999 | 0-03-022353-9 | |
Extended | Lorrain P., D. R. Corson and F. Lorrain | Electromagnetic Fields and Waves | 3rd edition | Freeman | 1987 | 0-716-71869-3 |
Extended | Reitz, J. R., F. J. Milford and R. W. Christy | Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory | 4th edition | Addison-Wesley | 1993 | 0-201-52624-7 |
ORIGIN DATE | Thursday 15th December 2011 | LAST REVISION DATE | Thursday 26th January 2023 |
KEY WORDS SEARCH | Physics; Charge; Circuit theory; Electromagnetic fields; Electrostatics; Energy; Induction; Magnetostatics; Maxwell's equations; Vector analysis. |
Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.