This module will introduce you to the theory and tools for analysing real physical systems, such as pendulums, planetary motion, and predator-prey models. You will also develop programming and coding skills using a package such as Matlab, and learn how mathematical theory and computer-based modelling can complement each other to help us understand and predict the world around us.
This module will also introduce you to the process of mathematical research and help you to understand the nature of the mathematical research community that you will be joining at the University of Exeter. You will work individually or as part of a team to carry out three short projects that will develop a range of individual and group research and communication skills. The ideas and skills in the module are developed further in MTH2005 Modelling: Theory and Practise.
The module aims to introduce you to Newtonian dynamics and its applications; to show you the use of calculus and vectors in the modelling of physical systems; to introduce you to applied mathematics as a tool for investigating natural phenomena. As examples, you will explore the consequences of physical laws, as well as the behaviour of physical and natural systems from projectiles to predator-prey systems and planetary motion.
The module aims also to develop your abilities to: express mathematical problems in a form suitable for solution by computer; use computer packages such as Matlab to develop computer models for independent exploration; programme in order to solve mathematical problems; collaborate in small teams to tackle mathematical projects. The module will provide reinforcing material for other core stage one modules in mathematics.
INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)
On successful completion of this module, you should be able to:
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
1 recall and apply basic techniques in classical mechanics to model simple mechanical and dynamical systems;
2 work on your own and as part of a small team to formulate and solve both well-defined and more open-ended problems in mathematics;
3 use a high-level programming language for basic numerical analysis, simulation and data visualisation.
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
4 formulate models of the physical world, applying mathematical machinery such as vectors and calculus to develop and analyse these models;
5 present your findings in a logical and coherent manner;
6 use mathematical computing software (such as Matlab) to assist problem solving.
Personal and Key Transferable/ Employment Skills and Knowledge:
7 formulate and solve problems;
8 work effectively as part of a small team;
9 communicate orally with team members and via written presentation;
10 undertake research using a variety of sources.
SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module