Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer - 2023 entry
MODULE TITLE | Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer | CREDIT VALUE | 15 |
DURATION: TERM | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) |
This module covers engineering thermodynamics and heat transfer, including refrigeration, heat exchangers and compressors, as well as various aspects of power generation such as gas turbines, internal combustion engines and modern systems such as hybrid power trains and fuel cells.
Processes of heat and energy transfer are fundamental to mechanical engineering, particularly when it comes to power and energy generation. This module introduces the theory and practice of engineering thermodynamics and heat transfer. You will be introduced to the fundamentals of thermodynamics and heat transfer and explore their application in analysing steam operated power plants and design of heat exchangers. You will develop cycle analysis for the design of refrigerators, compressors, gas turbines, compression and spark ignition engines. Furthermore, you will study the properties of fuels, their combustion, exhaust composition, atmospheric pollution, exhaust emissions and reduction. The module also introduces you to the scientific and engineering aspects of other powertrains such as hybrid systems and fuel cells, which are becoming increasingly important in vehicle engineering.
On successful completion of this module you should be able to:
ILO # |
Intended Learning Outcome |
AHEP* ILO - MEng |
ILO #1 |
Understand conservation equations and the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, and apply these to solve thermodynamic problems; | SM2m, SM3m, SM4m, SM5m, EA2m, EA3m |
SM1p, SM2p, SM3p, EA2p, EA3p |
ILO #2 |
Understand the basic mechanisms of heat transfer, analyse and calculate heat transfer in simple steady state applications; design simple heat transfer equipment involving flowing heat transfer media; |
ILO #3 |
Analyse basic thermodynamic cycles for energy conversion, use tables and charts of thermodynamic and physical properties; execute basic calculations on power requirements, exit conditions etc for thermodynamic operations; |
ILO #4 |
Carry out calculations on a standard range of energy conversion and conservation processes; |
ILO #5 |
Discuss combustion processes in standard DI and spark ignition engines, gas turbines; |
ILO #6 |
Demonstrate a knowledge of alternative power trains such as hybrid drive trains and the enabling technologies such as fuel cells and batteries;
ILO #7 |
Demonstrate increased ability to analyse information from a variety of sources;
EA6m, D6m, G3m | D6p, G3p |
ILO #8 |
Locate and accurately use data for engineering calculations; |
ILO #9 |
Conduct formal calculations on engineering systems with accuracy; |
ILO #10 |
Show improved independent learning skills, analyse problems logically and mathematically, and present your results in an appropriate way |
*Engineering Council Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP) ILOs for MEng and BEng Degrees |
1: Introduction to thermodynamics: governing laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic functions, behaviour of perfect gases, phase behaviour of real substances, thermodynamic charts and tables, application to heat exchangers, throttling processes, compressors, Carnot and Rankine cycles; :
2: Heat transfer: basic mechanisms of heat transfer – especially conduction, convection, heat exchangers, heat transfer coefficients, heating and cooling problems, coupled conduction/convection problems, natural convection, heat transfer with phase change, introduction to radiative heat transfer, refrigeration and heat pump cycles;:
3: Engine technology: internal combustion engines, petrol and diesel cycles; engine testing, cycle analysis, effect of irreversibilities; gas turbines, practical details, cycle analysis; fuels; types of fuel, properties, combustion calculations, exhaust analysis, pollutant formation mechanisms, remediation technology; alternative systems including electrochemical energy conversion (fuel cells and batteries).:
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities | 43 | Guided Independent Study | 107 | Placement / Study Abroad |
Category | Hours of study time | Description |
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities | 22 | Lectures |
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities | 11 | Tutorials |
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities | 10 | Laboratory |
Guided Independent Study | 107 |
Coursework | 15 | Written Exams | 70 | Practical Exams | 15 |
Form of Assessment | % of Credit | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
Exam - Closed book | 70 | 2 hours (Summer) | 1-7, 9 | |
Practical - Experimental report following a lab | 15 | 10 hours | 1, 2, 4-10 | |
Coursework - Report following computer lab | 15 | 10 hours | 1, 2, 7, 9, 10 |
Original Form of Assessment | Form of Re-assessment | ILOs Re-assessed | Time Scale for Re-reassessment |
All above | Exam (100%, 2 hours) | 1-7, 9 | August Ref/Def Period |
Reassessment will be by a single written exam only worth 100% of the module. For deferred candidates, the mark will be uncapped. For referred candidates, the mark will be capped at 40%.
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
Reading list for this module:
ORIGIN DATE | Friday 27th January 2023 | LAST REVISION DATE | Friday 27th January 2023 |
KEY WORDS SEARCH | None Defined |
Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.