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Postgraduate Study - PhD and Research Degrees

EPSRC Doctoral Landscape Award

Applications for EPSRC studentships for September 2025 Entry - Now Open

Please note the deadline for applications is midnight Monday 10 February 2025. 



The University of Exeter EPSRC Doctoral Landscape Award (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) is offering up to15 fully funded doctoral studentships for September 2025.  Students will be given sector-leading training and development with outstanding facilities and resources. The EPSRC DLA studentships will be offered across the whole of EPSRC’s remit, with projects at the interface of disciplines and collaborations with users where appropriate. The DTP funding will be distributed using an open and transparent process, underpinned by clear criteria. Studentships will be awarded to outstanding applicants, the distribution will be overseen by the University’s EPSRC Strategy Group in partnership with the Doctoral College.

The University of Exeter stimulates, supports and sustains a vibrant research and intellectual environment, across and between disciplines for postgraduate and early career researchers.  We have invested £350 million pounds in Science and Engineering since 2008 and we are one of the fastest growing and fastest rising research intensive universities in the UK.  We were ranked 23 out of 134 universities in the national Research Excellence Framework (REF) and 98% of our research is rated international quality by REF.

The studentship PhD project opportunities listed below have an application deadline of midnight 10th February 2025.  Please note the project listed are part of the competition for the studenthip awards.  There are a maximum of 15 studentships available.

The terms and conditions of training grants provide the framework for EPSRC DTPs and are available from the RCUK website.

Projects and PhD studentships available