Academic support
Career zone - At the Career Zone, we want to help you with your career planning
Academic skills and student engagements team - Our advisers can help students to develop personal learning strategies and discuss specific questions relating to their work.
Library support - Academic Liaison Librarians are available to help you make full use of the library resources and facilities. Advice and support is available online, by phone or face to face via bookable 1:1 appointments. Find out more about your Librarian and the support available here.
Paid internships - Our advisers can help students to develop personal learning strategies and discuss specific questions relating to their work.
Personal Tutors - Your tutor is your key academic point of contact at the university.
Every taught student at the University of Exeter is assigned a tutor to provide support for their academic development and progress, and as the first port of call for pastoral guidance.
Your studies - Your department will let you know if there are any specific tasks or pieces of work you need to complete before your course begins.
Entry qualifications - The University welcomes applications from appropriately qualified students offering a wide range of qualifications, including GCE A levels, IB, BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma, and Cambridge Pre-U Diploma.
Professional Pathways - In The Career Zone is delivering Professional Pathways, a suite of sector specific training courses and paid internships.