
You may be able to bring your dependant family members to the UK with you. This is called a Student Dependant visa and there are strict eligibility and document requirements.

It’s important to read through the information below carefully and you can contact International Student Advice for individual advice if you need it.

Eligibility and key facts

To bring dependants to the UK, you must:

  • Hold or be applying for a Student visa AND
  • Be studying a full time ‘research-based’ programme of at least 9 months. At the University of Exeter, these are PhD, MPhil or MbyRES programmes. MRES programmes, including Pathway to PhD, are taught programmes and therefore not eligible for dependants in most circumstances. The only exception to this is if you are receiving Government sponsorship and are studying any course of more than 6 months.

Your dependants must be:

  • Your spouse (husband or wife), civil partner, unmarried partner;
  • Your child. Your children can join you in the UK only if both parents are lawfully present in the UK or are applying with the child (you are not considered "lawfully present" if you have a Visitor or Short Term Study visa). A lone parent can apply for their child to accompany them only in exceptional circumstances, contact us for further guidance if you are considering this.

Your dependants can apply for their visas at the same time as you from outside the UK. Alternatively, you can come to the UK with your Student visa first, and your dependants can apply for their visas to join you once you have settled and found suitable accommodation.

If you find you need to extend your visa to complete your studies (for example, you have been given an extension to your PhD thesis deadline), your dependants will be able to extend their Student Dependant visas with you. You can do this together inside the UK or from overseas.

Your dependants cannot come to the UK on Visitor visas or using Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) and apply for their visas from inside the UK.

Your dependant’s visa will:

  • Allow them to study without restriction in the UK. If your dependant will be studying and their programme requires it, they will need to apply for an ATAS certificate.
  • Allow them to work without restriction in the UK, except for employment as a professional sportsperson.
  • Be granted for the same length as your visa in most cases. A child’s visa may be granted for a shorter period if their parents have two different visa types with one expiring earlier.

Their visa will be granted as a 90 day vignette and BRP or as an eVisa.

To apply from outside the UK you will need to complete an online application for each dependant before attending an appointment at a Visa Application Centre (VAC) where you can submit documents and biometrics.   

To apply from inside the UK we would strongly recommend that you use our service as we will check and submit your application and supporting documents. The application form you complete depends on your situation:  

  1. If you are applying at the same time as the student, you apply together on the student's  online form.

  1. If you are applying for your baby, child or children only, at some time after the main applicant has been granted Student leave, complete the PBS Dependant – Child online application form.  

  1. If you are applying as a spouse or partner, with or without children, at some time after the main applicant has been granted Student leave, complete the PBS Dependant – Partner online application form. 

Outside UK: £490 per person. Some countries will add extra administrative charges and premium applications optional.

Inside UK: £490 (standard), £990 (priority), £1,490 (super priority)

Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), this is compulsory and entitles you to use the National Health Service (NHS): £776 per person, per year of visa to be granted.

Payable by credit or debit card online

Financial requirement

Your dependants will need to prove that they can support themselves in the UK. This is in addition to the cost of applying for a Dependant visa.

Dependant Finance Calculation

Living expenses

£680 per month for the length of immigration permission the Student has been granted, or the permission he or she is expected to be granted, or 9 months if this is shorter. 

Example 1 

The student has been / is expected to be granted a 16 month visa for a 12 month programmeDependant needs 9 X £680 = £6,120. 

Example 2 

The student has been / is expected to be granted 7 months leave (for a 6 month course + 1 month is added at the end) 7 X £680 = £4,760. 

Example 3: A family of 4 applying together for a 4 year PhD programme 

Student: (9 X £1,136)= £10,224 + Dependants: (9 X £680 X 3)= £18,360 = Sub-total: £28,584 + outstanding tuition fee: £15,950 = Total: £44,534.


In the same way as a Student, a Dependant is exempt from the Finance requirement if they have lived in the UK with a valid visa for the 12 months before they submit their visa application and are making their visa application from inside the UK. If your dependants are in this situation, they do not need to deposit money or provide evidence of their finances for their visa application. This is because UK Visas and Immigration consider that they have already proved that they can support themselves in the UK.

All other Dependants, including all applicants applying outside the UK, must meet the Finance requirement.

Differentiation arrangements

Even if your Dependant is not exempt from the Finance requirement, they may qualify for differentiation arrangements based on nationality, meaning they do not need to submit Finance documents with their visa application. They must still meet the Finance requirement but do not have to submit evidence to prove it unless requested later by UK Visas and Immigration. Dependants should check the  differentiation arrangements page to see if they qualify.

How your dependants show evidence of their money depends on whether you are self-funded for your studies or you are receiving official financial sponsorship which covers your dependants. 

Money in the bank

Unless you are fully funded by the main applicant’s official financial sponsor (see below), in addition to the student’s  money calculationsyou will need to hold the required living expenses either in:

  • your own (the dependant's) bank account and/or
  • your spouse's (the student) bank account.  
  • For child dependants: money can be held in their own bank account, and/or the student's bank account, and/or the other parent's bank account. If the money is in the other parent's account, the other parent must already have immigration permission (not as a visitor) or be applying at the same time as the child.

The money must be cash funds held in an account that allows immediate access. The money can be held in a personal account including a current, savings, deposit or investment account in the account holder's name (see above). Joint accounts are acceptable. The money must be held in the account for 28 days before you submit your PBS Dependant application. The bank account can be used during the 28 days but the balance must not fall below the required amount.  

The bank document must show the transactions and balance during the 28 day period. The date on the bank document may be up to 31 days before the date of application but the money must remain in the account until the date of application. See the Documents section below for more information about what your bank document should look like. 

Note that the date of application is the date that you submit your application form online and pay your application fee.

An official financial sponsor must be a government, the British Council or any international organisation, international company, university (including the University of Exeter if you are receiving a full studentship) or an independent school. If your tuition fees and living expenses are covered by an offiical financial sponsor, and your sponsor is also covering your dependants' full living expenses, they can meet the financial requirement without needing to save money in a bank account. Your sponsor will need to provide you with a letter confirming this which names all of your dependants (see Documents section below for more information about the format of the letter).

If the official sponsor pays only part of the living expenses amount (so less than £680 per person per month) you will also need to show money saved in a bank account to cover the remainig amount, in the same way as a self-funded applicant. You cannot rely on the same money twice and so it must be clear that this money has been received from a source other than your sponsorship. If you are in this situation, we would recommend contacting International Student Advice to ensure you save the correct amounts.

If your dependants receive their own government sponsorship separate from you (for example, because they are also studying), they cannot use this sponsorship as financial evidence for their Dependant visa application.


Remember, if you qualify for differentiation arrangements, you do not have to submit evidence of money. Check whether this applies to you in the  Differentiation section of our website.

Self-funded students: Bank statements 

Your bank statement should:

  • show the date it was issued. This must be no more than 31 days before the date of application
  • show the money has been held for 28 days
  • include at least your name or account holder's name, account number and transactions over the 28 day period
  • be on official stationary or electronic record and show the name of the bank
  • be in English – you will need an official translation in addition to the original if it is not
Example bank statement

Self-funded students: Bank Letters 

If your bank statement does not meet the above rules you can request a letter from the bank instead. A bank letter should:

  • include your name or account holder's name and account number
  • include the date of letter (no more than 1 month old)
  • include the bank’s name
  • clearly state the amount of money in the account
  • confirm that the required amount has been in the account for at least 28 days

Officially sponsored students: Sponsor letter

The letter should: 

  • be dated and printed on official letterheaded paper
  • include the name and contact details of the sponsor
  • confirm the duration of the sponsorship or give a clear description of the course/s covered and their duration
  • confirm the amount of money provided or state that the sponsor will cover all the tuition fees and living costs for the programme (if specified)
  • list the name of the student and all family members covered by the funding

Evidence of relationship

Spouses or civil partners will need to provide:

  • Marriage certificate or civil partnership certificate
  • If you have lived together for the past 2 years: 2 documents with both of your names showing that you have lived at the same address (e.g. housing contracts, utility bills, bank statements, etc). If you do not have 2 documents that include both names, you should submit multiple documents in each of your names with the same address.
  • If you have not lived together for 2 years, you will need to provide additional evidence that your relationship is continuing (referred to as 'subsisting'). The Relationship with a Partner Caseworker Guidance includes a long list of acceptable documents to prove that your relationship is subsisting, but we recommend that you contact International Student Advice for further advice.

Unmarried partners are required to provide substantial evidence from the list mentioned above that you have been in a long-term relationship for at least 2 years (preferably living together), and that your relationship is genuine. This requirement can be difficult to meet and we recommend you  contact International Student Advice for detailed advice.

Evidence of same address 

Your dependant does not need to submit evidence of your relationship again if they are applying to extend their dependant visa. They will, however, need:

  • Evidence that they continue to live with you (the student). This could be an official document such as a bill, housing contract or council tax statement that lists both your names and address. If you have nothing in joint names, students and dependants could use multiple individual bills, bank statements or NHS registration letters that are sent to each of you at the same address.  

Evidence of relationship

Each child must provide:

  • a birth or adoption certificate

Evidence of both parents lawfully present in the UK

If the child or children submit their applications separately from one or both parents, include a copy of the parents’ passports and UK visas.

Babies born in the UK

A baby born in the UK does not need to immediately apply for a visa, but if you take your baby out of the UK, they will need a visa to return. Your baby will also no longer be exempt from NHS charges once they are over 3 months old until they have paid the Immigration Health Surcharge as part of their dependant visa application. You can apply for their visa either inside or outside the UK. You and your baby will need to meet all of the requirements outlined above. If your baby is applying at the same time as you, they will use the same application form detailed above. If you and your other dependants already have your visas and you are just applying for the baby, you will need to use this application form: PBS Dependant Child

If you would not usually qualify to have dependants on your Student visa (because you are studying an undergraduate course, for example), please seek further advice from International Student Advice.

Evidence that they have not formed an independent life - children over 18 and others

If your children are already in the UK with you on Student Dependant visas which they were granted when they were under 18, if they are now over 18 they may still be able to extend their visas with you. They can only do this if they have not 'formed an independent life' meaning that they must not be married or in a long-term relationship similar to marriage, and they must be living with you unless they are undertaking full-time education where they need to live elsewhere (for example studying at university or boarding school). It is very likely that they will need to submit evidence that they are still living with you or that they are in full-time education if they are living apart. You should seek advice from International Student Advice before applying.

The requirement not to have formed an independent life applies to all dependant children. Children under 16 are unlikely to be asked to provide additional evidence of this, but children between 16-18 may have additional evidence requested by UKVI.

If you are applying for your Student visa at the same time as your dependants, they will not need to submit separate evidence of your visa and study as your CAS Statement will be included with your application and your visa is being granted at the same time.

If your Student visa has already been granted and your dependants are applying separately from you, however, they will need to include additional documents related to your visa and study.

Copy of Student visa

They should include a copy of your Student entry visa and/or BRP.

CAS Statement

This is the statement that was issued to you to apply for your Student visa. Your dependants will need to refer to your original CAS Statement for the CAS number, sponsor license number and course dates as these need to be included on their application form.

A Student Status letter

This is advisable if you are already in the UK on your Student visa and enrolled on your course. This is to show that you continue to attend your course at the time of the PBS Dependant application. You can download this letter from Self-Service Letters on iExeter. If the dates differ in any way from the dates on your CAS Statement, please discuss with International Student Advice as you may need a bespoke letter.


Each dependant will need a valid passport. Some children are included on a parent's passport which may be acceptable.


If your dependants already have dependant visas issued as BRP cards, these will need to be included.

TB Certificate (outside the UK only)

If your dependant is from a country listed in Appendix T making an application for entry clearance to come to the UK for more than six months, they must present a valid medical certificate confirming that they have been tested for TB.

They won’t need a TB test if any of the following apply:

  • they're a diplomat accredited to the UK
  • they're a returning UK resident and haven’t been away for more than 2 years
  • they lived for at least 6 months in a country where TB screening is not required by the UK, and they've been away from that country for no more than 6 months

Children must see a clinician who will decide if they need a chest x-ray. Children under 11 will not normally have a chest x-ray. If the clinician decides your child doesn’t have TB they’ll give you a certificate. Include this certificate with your child’s UK visa application.

For more information see Tuberculosis tests for visa applicants

Dependants applying outside the UK will need the following documents which are explained in more detail above:

  • Passport(s)
  • Proof of finances (e.g. bank statement or sponsor letter) unless they qualify for differentiation arrangements
  • Evidence of relationship (e.g. marriage or birth certificate, see above)
  • TB certificates if required

As well as the above, you may need these additional documents for children:

  • Evidence that both parents will be in the UK (see above for exceptional circumstances), if both parents are not applying at the same time as the child

If applying separately from the Student, dependants will also need:

  • Copy of student's Student visa and CAS statement
  • Student Status letter from the University if student is already enrolled

Dependants applying to extend their visas with the Student in the UK will need the following documents which are explained in more detail above:

  • Passport(s)
  • BRPs (if previous visa was granted on a BRP)
  • Proof of finances (e.g. bank statement or sponsor letter) unless they are exempt from the requirement or qualify for differentiation arrangements

Spouses/civil partners will also require:

  • Evidence that you are living with the Student (see above). You are not required to submit your marriage/civil partnership certificate again if you have submitted it before.

Children will also require:

  • Evidence that both parents are in the UK, if both parents are not applying at the same time as the child

If applying separately from the Student, dependants will also need:

  • Copy of student's Student visa and CAS statement
  • Student Status letter from the University

If any of your documents are not in English you will need to provide a fully certified translation by a professional translator or translation company. 

Any translations you submit with your application must include the following: 

  • Confirmation that it is an accurate translation of the original document 
  • The date of the translation 
  • The full name and signature of the translator or an official from the translation company 
  • The contact details of the translator / translation company

Full details on how to apply are on the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) website.