Request disposal of IT equipment, furniture, white goods or rubbish

Please ensure any laboratory furniture or equipment is decontaminated and empty before moving it to the collection location for disposal and completing this form.

Your waste and recycling collection may incur a charge so please provide a cost code. If your item is a free collection, you will not be charged. Chemical waste, gas canisters, paints and solvents must be disposed of via the Labwaste contract.

Free disposal:

  • paper and stationery
  • IT and electrical equipment (excluding some kitchen and lab equipment)
  • any furniture or equipment that is assessed by the team as being a re-usable asset and stored

Chargeable disposal:

  • non-recyclable items (such as plastic chairs)
  • wood (including desks)
  • fridges
  • microwaves.

Other miscellaneous waste not listed may incur a minimum £10 charge.